Juliet Sims Hypnotherapy, NLP & Coaching in Lymington, Hampshire

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What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is safe and deeply relaxing and can bring about positive change in a person’s behaviours, thoughts and feelings


We all naturally drift in and out of altered states every day. Have you ever driven your car to a destination without being able to recall the actual journey? This is a good example of a trance like state where our conscious mind drifts off allowing the unconscious part of the mind to take over; we are still aware and can come back to consciousness at any time we choose. This is the same as the altered state achieved in hypnotherapy.

When we are in an altered state, the unconscious mind can be accessed and the hypnotherapist can offer positive suggestions for change to the unconscious. This can be very powerful in helping to facilitate change in a person.

What can Hypnotherapy help with?

Some of the areas hypnotherapy can be effective for include:-

  • Achieving weight loss
  • Relieving anxiety & reducing stress
  • Overcoming fears & phobias
  • Breaking habits & addictions
  • Building self esteem
  • Improving self confidence
  • Increasing motivation
  • Overcoming bruxism
  • Reducing symptoms of IBS

If you would like to make some changes in your life and would like to work with an experienced Hypnotherapist, BWRT® Practitioner, NLP Practitioner and Coach in Hampshire, call me on 07768 183543 or drop me an email. I offer a free initial 30 minute consultation either over the telephone or face to face.

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